Tuborg's LIVE STREAMING APP on Facebook

Tuborg's LIVE STREAMING APP on Facebook


Project Overview


Throughout 2011 Tuborg Live Streamed a succession of top international DJ's to their facebook audience as well as providing the ability for the Live Player to be embedded on external sites such as users blogs and personal webpages.


We had the content within the player controlled through one user admin page which we housed within Facebook which had a multitude of functionality that included:


  • Content upload of teaser trailers to be shown prior to the event.
  • Automatic updates and notifications to Facebook news feeds
  • Live track listings with links to purchase MP3 tracks
  • Live Stream 'delayed' notifications
  • Live and pre recorded sets by international DJ's
  • Personal embeddable players for associated DJ's facebook pages
  • Registration for players embedded on external sites
  • Customised introduction text for each specific DJ event
  • Age Restriction built in


Live Player Design & Functionality:




The main interface of the player displays all the DJ’s currently scheduled to be playing at the Tuborg live events, Dj sets cycle through on a time lapse basis where users are also able to navigate through each DJ by selecting “


These states include:


Currently viewed DJ displayed in the Player

Session - DJ confirmed - Watch a teaser prior to the event

DJ to be confirmed - not viewable in the player



Each individual DJ has a different animated background with the option to “PLAY TEASER” prior to the event. On the day of the event the scheduled DJ playing is displayed for longer with the time and date replaced with a countdown clock.


Live Track Listing Update:



Through the Facebook admin console, track listings where able to be made live and on the fly as the DJ played the relevant track. Updating from the admin page allowed those viewing the live stream to be able to click on the track link which took them to either beatport or ITunes to purchase the selected track.


Live Stream 'Delayed' Notifications:


As with many live streams there may be hiccups to the start time of the live performance. With this in mind we built into the Facebook admin console the ability to inform users who have tuned in to watch that the stream that there will be a delay giving a reason and rescheduled start time.



Add Player to your Pages:


Adding our Video App to your pages couldn't be simpler, heres our Facebook information pages.


The Tuborg Lilve Streaming App : http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=187599091260650&sk=info


Customising the Liquid Soundtrack Tab :



Share Player:



We included the main sharing options, the option to embed allowed for external sites to house the player.


External Sites Embedding the Live Player (data capture)


As the player is able to be embedded on external sites we made it so that the age restriction still applies as well as to capture this data. Users on the Facebook page simply had to 'like' the page to view the content.






View Project link:

