Future Cinema presents California Classics

Future Cinema presents California Classics


Project Overview


Teaming up with Future Cinema, California Tourist Board and Air New Zealand saw us build a fully facebook intergrated microsite for audience communication and participation prior to the weekend of Sky flying and Night Walking at London's most exciting cinematic event of the year.

Whats California Classics?



The pioneers of Live Cinema, Future Cinema were to fully immerse the audience in the cult films by bringing the beautiful beaches, surf and seaside amusements of California to the capital city. Fusing film, music, performance and design, “The Lost Boys” and “Top Gun” welcomed up to 8,000 guests per night dressed as their favourite characters from the films. Top Gun naval aviators or angst-filled teenage vampires, an epic sing along and one of the biggest fancy dress events of the year was constructed.


Facebook Missing Posters... Report a Missing Friend.



For the Lost boys section of the site we developed a Facebook App allowing users to post 'Missing Posters' of their friends. Missing posters were then automatically posted to the 'missing friends' wall in turn promoting the event as well as allowing other users create their own posters.


** Create a Facebook Missing Poster

** View selection of Posters 

California FM - Streaming Radio Player


California FM was a 4 hour audio stream of 80's songs and voice overs providing the soundtrack to the site as well as the live event itself.


Simple player of 'on air' and 'off air' which started at random points in the stream when the viewer accessed the page and continued throughout the users experience when interacting with the microsite.



Live Feeds to Custom Twitter Player


Using a series of specific hash tags relevant to the event we fed the tweets into this customised Twitter feed for Air New Zealand. Relevant tweets were fed into the player every 30 secs with the ability to click on the tweet to be sent to the original posters twitter conversation.




Sign up to Squadrons and Gangs through Facebook


Prior to the live event those attending the two screenings are directed what to wear for the night proceedings as well as given tasks to complete prior and during the event. Signing up to a Squadron or Gang (* dependent on what screening the user would be attending) sent the user to its own Facebook page that we created outside of Facebook.


Fake & Dummy Facebook Pages


For the Groups pages we developed our own 'fake' facebook pages providing the same functionality and visual styling of Facebook allowing us to customise and provide functionality not provided by Facebook ( the end user is unaware that these were not infact Facebook pages) This meant that those who had signed up were able to converse with others as their actual characters and not as themselves as Facebook account holders.






The site had four competitions, two for each film. The chance to win tickets to the next Future Cinema event involved users signing up to either the elite Top Gun Programme or the Gang Leader option for Lost Boys. Each competition involved the user have to post a video of themselves as character roles through Facebook.




View Microsite:




Related links * other Facebook Apps:


Tuborg's LIVE STREAMING APP on Facebook

Smirnoff - Live Streaming Embeddable Player 

Manchester City FC Live Stream & Player


Related Content:


Flickr Lostboys

Flickr Top Gun